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One to One Training with a Beekeeping Mentor

Get all your questions answered during your Day with Harry

Would you like an experienced beekeeper all to yourself? How about a beekeeping mentor for the day? You might be new to beekeeping, or you might have had bees for a while. If you want to take your knowledge to the next level and learn at your pace, then this day is for you. 

Join Harry at one of his working apiaries. He’s your mentor - you can ask him anything and everything. Depending on the day and your interests, you’ll get involved in hive inspections and a range of seasonal beekeeping activities. Harry’s tips and practical know-how will help you improve your beekeeping. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to talk all things bee!

Harry with his bee van - Beekeeping Mentor  - Harry's Honey - Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Do you have questions but no one to ask?

"I've spent days on Google - I still don't know what to do"

"Advice on Youtube has me confused"

"What should I look for during an inspection?"

"I lost hives this winter - I don't know why"

With a beekeeping mentor you can:

Ask a human!

Cut through conflicting information

Get advice and guidance in real time

Discuss what might have happened and why

Beekeeping Mentor - Harry holding a frame from a nuc of bees - Harry's Honey - Cheltenham
"What a fabulous day!! Harry has a wealth of knowledge and experience which he willingly shared with us. I feel ready to start my own hive know. Thank you so much for a brilliant day"
Beekeeping mentor - Harry with a smoker and lots of smoke - Harry's Honey - Cheltenham

A Day with Harry

Have a real beekeeping conversation - learn more, learn quicker - with a beekeeping mentor

Beekeeping mentor - Harry inspecting a nuc - Harry's Honey - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

What to expect:

- A full day from 9:00 to 4:00
- One to one training or come as a couple
- See inside lots of hives 
- See different hive types - National, horizontal and top bar hives
- Pub lunch 

What's included:


Talk about bees - all day

- Ask all those burning questions!


Inspecting lots of hives

- Get familiar with what "healthy" looks like

- Learn how to deal with issues


A day alongside a full-time beekeeper

- Learn his tips and tricks

- Get ideas on how to improve your beekeeping

- Have your thinking confirmed


Contact details for Harry

- To help if you have questions later


A range of techniques in action

- Learn the how and why of Bailey comb change, shook swarms and the Old Queen Nuc

- See set ups for honey production

- Learn ways to raise your own queens

- Discuss swarm management

Spend a day with a beekeeper

Hands on practical beekeeping. No PowerPoint slides - promise!

If you would like to discuss ongoing beekeeping advice and support, please get in touch.

I'm Harry

I'm a full time beekeeper

I have 80 hives around the Cotswolds. That’s not quite enough to get my honeybee fix so I’m also the training apiary manager for Cheltenham and Gloucester Beekeepers Association. Frankly, I love beekeeping. I find bees and practical beekeeping absolutely fascinating. I enjoy talking with other beekeepers about this amazing world. If I can help solve a problem or learn something new, even better. 

Beekeeping Mentor - Harry Cold weather portrait - Harry's Honey - Cheltenham, Gloucestersh

Would it really help to:

Ask a human!

Cut through conflicting information

Get advice and guidance in real time

Discuss what might have happened and why

Join me for a day at one of my apiaries and let's talk bees!

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